Showing posts with label Kyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kyle. Show all posts

RWU Men's Basketball Preview

Category: , , , , , By Anonymous
Men's basketball at RWU is one of the most popular sports on campus. KJC media interviewed coach Mike Tully who has been part of RWU athletics for the past 6 years, and Chuck Davidson, senior at RWU and manager of the men's basketball team.

Some of the footage was taken at Friday night's "midnight madness" event which is a late night pep-rally designed to introduce fall and winter sports teams to the student population. Prizes, raffles, free t-shirts and games are just some of the events at "midnight madness". We had some issues with some of our other news stories getting the right interviews and we did our best to fix it this time around. GO HAWKS!

Where's SWOOP?

Category: , , , , , , , By Jillian MacDonald

Our RWU news story this week was on campus traditions, specifically Swoop, our school mascot. RWU is a young school, with a lot of growing still left to do and many many more traditions to be built. We wanted to encompass some other traditions such as the Roger Williams statue and the crest inside the law school, and wings nights at topsides, but time only allowed for us to make a movie about Swoop.

Unfortunately, Swoop has yet to be seen around campus. Many people are speculating that he will make his first appearance at Homecoming Weekend. It is the opinion of KJC Media that Swoop should be a much more visible character and a waaaay cooler mascot than he is right now. People around campus want to see him more and are craving more school spirit than ever before. So try as we might, we were not able to capture any footage of Swoop. And the questions remains,


Linda Clarke, the Untold Story

Category: , , , , , , , By Anonymous

We were asked to do a news story on something important to the Roger Williams community. While driving in the car one day, Jill and Codie decided they would like to know more about this infamous billboard and who is behind it all. Kyle was down and we proceeded to set up an interview with Linda L. Clarke esq. Unfortunately to all of our disappointment, our creative plans were thwarted when Linda asked to remain anonymous by not allowing video cameras in her office.

Despite this set back, what started out as a humorous investigation of an unfortunate billboard photo became a human interest piece on a rather fascinating woman. We were allowed a 20 minute interview with Linda and although we were frustrated about not being able to film it, she gave us some fantastic advice and allowed us to ask all the questions we chose. We learned all we needed to and left Linda's office with a new found respect for this billboard celebrity. The next time we hear someone put down Linda, you can bet none of us will join in as we have grown to appreciate her and yes, we even like her a whole lot.

KJC News Story - Fictional Construction Accident

Category: , , , , , , , , By Jillian MacDonald
We completed editing our first video in Final Cut Pro. We experienced some issues with lighting while shooting the videos, but we worked through our issues and we feel really good about the final product.


KJC News Channel 10 - Evening Edition

Category: , , , , , , , By Jillian MacDonald
This is a fictional news report we made for fun to practice our skillz on the Flip Vid Ultra. Clearly, we are pretty good at what we do.

Now this video may not be the most serious or realistic news cast you've ever seen, but we had a lot of fun coming up with the idea, drawing on each others faces, and recording the evening news. It also allowed us the opportunity to edit the video on Codie's mac using imovie.

First Blog

Category: , , , , , , , By Jillian MacDonald

Yesterday, we shot our first video as KJC Media. It was a story about a construction accident on the RWU campus. Kyle was the reporter, Codie was the camerawoman, and Jillian was the producer. Unfortunately, we didn't make deadline but we feel that we got some really good b-roll footage and some excellent interviews to make a great video next week.

We have also taken to updating our blog with some pictures of ourselves and some accessories to ornament the margins. We've only just begun making our blog unique and exciting!

The video we shot in class was our first opportunity to work with the new Canon cameras the school purchased over the summer. They are very small, very expensive, and very cool. We are all looking forward to using these cameras throughout the semester.